Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010
Clasmit part III
Diposting oleh Fhie.disini.cup.curup.tupuut. di 21.30 0 komentar
Label: menyenagkan.
Senin, 28 Juni 2010
Diposting oleh Fhie.disini.cup.curup.tupuut. di 16.12 0 komentar
Label: lyrics
Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010
Clasmit part II
crita tgl 22 juni 2010
Diposting oleh Fhie.disini.cup.curup.tupuut. di 16.26 0 komentar
Label: menyenagkan.
Kamis, 24 Juni 2010
Clasmit part I
ni mencrtkan ksah mlay tgl 21 - 23 Juni 2010.
adda acra classmeeting d skul.kku.
emank akku dpet tgas,, tpi tgaskku ittu d tgl 24 pas acra hburan sma pngumuman hdiah.
tobat,, gilaa,,, kereen,, cakeeeepp,,.
yeyek,, si sayankku ittu.
dy maen bsked sklgus jdi kpten d tim klas'a. daan dy jdi ktw koordntor seksi bsked.
seneng book,, gilaaa. t'xtaa dy tu tegas bged.
dy bsa ngatur ang" bsked yg nkal'a kyag gtu.
swra'a lntang bged pas dy ngatur.
ni crita d tgl 21 juni 2010.
pas awl clamit.
dy koordntor seksi bsked.
hhaha. pgi" dy udda dteng amma tmen"a.
nahnaah,, adaa kutai kucing pas dtngah" lpngan.
gda yg mw brsi'in. akhir'a yeyek breng amma kotepat yg bersi'in.
idiiih... najiis reeek. hahaha.
muka'a yeyek ttu ilfiil bged nglyad tu kutai,.
hhhahahaaaa.., lucu'a. eeeumm, gmna" pcrkku keren teruus.
clas'a maen. tpi akku gtw jm k brapa.
naah,, akku pas hri tu gy sbug"a.
si yeyek jga pas sbug bged.
ngsi tw tmen"a ypa tntang ni lmba.
naaahh, pas ittu akku dsruh k klas 8e,,
nmuin bangkit, agung, ma dhamas bwad ngsih tew lok tgl 24 mreka kdu tmpil.
mreka pda pesimiss,, y akhir'a gbsa tag tnggal dlu.
akku kdu ngasi smngad.
byar mreka pd mw tmpil.
ckup lmaa,, dan prsaankku mlay g enag.
appa ini.... atikku deg"an.
uuuuh,, knapa yaah.
akhir'a akku blik k klas.
g lma ganes blang *eeh,, klase ajeng maen*,
whaaat?? klase ajeng ittu klase yeyek jga.
brarti yeyek maen. hhhaaa???
akhir'a cpet k dpan,, tag lyad emank da yeyek.
dan ittu akku lyad pas cloter t'akhir.
akku gtw lok uda mlay dri tdipas akku k 8e.
pntes dredeg tok. tbagno yeyek maen.
hhaha. telepatikku ni lwar bysa.
akku sorakin dy teruus,, triakkk..
*ayoooo yeeeek!!. yeeek!!! go iyek go iyek go.!!*
naah ituu akku sorakiin'a ndirian.
pas d dpan klaskku.
pnas" kyag org stres. tmen"a pda d sblah juri.
akku'a jau ndiri. hhaha.
truus pas iyek drible bolaa,, dy muteer.
ohmygod... noleh k akku pa emank gmna" psti noleh yya??
y ndag pnting de. tpi akku sneeng.
cakeeeeeep bged. astaga.
rs'a lngsung leleh ni atikku.
yup". wktu'a abis.
akhir'a dy mnang. tim'a klas 8f mnang.
msug semi fnal bsog.
aku lngsung lari k arah yeyek.
tag usapin kringet'a mskpun ittu bsah dan mnjijikan.
hhaha. tpi akku sneng kok.
teruus tmen" s-tim'a pda nyalahin akku smw.
*ajeng: puuh piek,, kmu kok g lyad?? ksian yeyek. tdi j uda mw klah. yeyek blng gni,, puuh kok g smngad yo akku. g onog fifi. gtu jare yek. kmu kmna se??*
naah pas ittu akku gtw leg akku cma lyad clter t'akhir.
*akku blang. akku lyad jeng,, kn akku pnas" ndirian dsna.*
*ajeng blang,, *ittu yg k dua. yg prtmaa?. ksian yek loo, tdi ae west mw klah. untung kmu dteeng. yeyek lngsung msukan truus.hmpir ae mw klah. kmu se..*
kged akku,, jdi akku lyad tlad?? astaga. mv y sayank.
adda dede dteng,, *fi, ndek mna ae kmu? puh hmpir klah tdi. yeyek west ndag kuat maen. ndag smngad jare. kmu ittu se,*
aduuuh,, akku mw jwab appa ni?? kuk mndadak jdi grogi gni,,
akku gtw lok t'xta akku mank sgtu'a bwad dy.
eeeuumhh, jdi g enag k kmu yek. aaah..,
akku g pduli'in dede. akku ngmong k yek,, *mv y gbsa lyad dri awl*
yek blang,, *iy gppa kok. dri mna kmu?? hmpir ae klah*
akku,, *k bangkit blangin lok tgl 23 dy kdu tmpil. dduh mv yaa,, akku gtw lok ud mlay*.
yeyek *gppa kok. udlaa,, tdi mank hmpir klah. tpi kn mnang. bsog lyad akku gy yya cantik. hhahaha.*
okke.okke. akku psti lyad kmu sayank.
tnang ae. youaremyheart.!!
plang'a qta smped ngapel,,
dy nganterin akku plang.
gtw,, dy mksa bged pngen plang amma akku.
ywda de gppa,, ni hdiah'a uda mnang tdi.
hheem,, bsog kdu b'juank gy yank.
byr bsa msug final hri rebu.
kseruan d hri senin tu b'akhir.
Diposting oleh Fhie.disini.cup.curup.tupuut. di 15.24 0 komentar
Label: menyenagkan.
Senin, 21 Juni 2010
bittersweet Memories!! _ Bullet For My Valentine
Verse 1:
You turn me off at the push of a button
and you pretend that I don't mean nothing
I'm not gonna say that's easy to tell
but guess what honey, it ain't no angel
You like to scream these words as a weapon
well, go ahead, take your best shot woman
I wanna leave you, it's easy to see
but guess what honey, it's not that easy
We get so complicated? ( Complicated!! )
This finger's for our memories...
So rid my pictures from your wall,
tear them down and burn them all,
light the fire and walk away,
there's nothing left to say..so
Take the ashes from the floor,
bury them to just make sure,
and nothing more is left of me
just bittersweet memories
Verse 2:
I wanna run and escape from your prison
but when I leave I feel something is missing
I'm not afraid, that's easy to tell
this can't be heaven, it feels like I'm in hell
You're like a drug that I can't stop taking
I want more and I can't stop craving
I still want you, it's easy to see
but guess what honey, you're not that good for me
We get so complicated? ( Complicated!! )
This finger's for our memories...
So rid my pictures from your wall,
tear them down and burn them all,
light the fire and walk away,
there's nothing left to say..so
Take the ashes from the floor,
bury them to just make sure,
and nothing more is left of me
just bittersweet memories
Just bittersweet memories...
We get so complicated? ( Complicated!! )
This finger's for our memories...
We get so complicated? ( Complicated!! Complicated!! )
So rid my pictures from your wall,
tear them down and burn them all,
light the fire and walk away,
there's nothing left to say..so
Take the ashes from the floor,
bury them to just make sure,
and nothing more is left of me
just bittersweet memories
ohohohoh, ohohohoh, ohohohohoh
There's nothing left to say...
ohohohoh, ohohohoh, ohohohohoh
There's nothing left to say...
Diposting oleh Fhie.disini.cup.curup.tupuut. di 00.58 0 komentar
Label: lyrics
Kamis, 03 Juni 2010
gelang qta.!!
2 hri yg lalu.
Diposting oleh Fhie.disini.cup.curup.tupuut. di 01.02 0 komentar
Label: menyenagkan.
5 harii di surabaya : 3hari di bandung + 2 hari di jogja.
Diposting oleh Fhie.disini.cup.curup.tupuut. di 00.40 0 komentar